Why you should work with us?
At Vi&Rus Ltd., we believe that to succeed in business is very important not only to have a new and modern equipment, but also to invest in our employees. Therefore, we rely on continuous staff training.
Human Resources of Vi&Rus Ltd. is composed of qualified experts in their field. Each of us makes the most of their knowledge and experience; we strive to follow market trends and to respond to customer requirements by offering excellent quality.
Are you interested in being part of our team?
We are looking for ambitious and capable people, who put passion and enthusiasm in their activities, willing to continuously learn and develop, and able to work well in a team.
If you feel you have the necessary qualifications, experience and knowledge for a position, you can send us an e-mail: office@vr-cnc.com
- Detailed CV
- Actual photo
- Cover letter, in which you specify for which position you are applying.
Our team will review your application and if we are interested in, we will contact you.